The Holy Family

The Holy Family

Painted by Donna Bird

Love came down at Christmas.

This is a beautiful painting of love. The first response from some people viewing this might be, "That's not quite right. This is an African American family and Jesus was born into a middle eastern family." If so, they are like some people seeing the Italian Renaissance paintings and thinking, "That family is white. Jesus was born into a middle eastern family." And yet that very skin tone incongruity tells its own story that Jesus came to save all people. The prophet Isaiah wrote, " I will also give You as a light to the Gentiles, that You should be My salvation to the ends of the earth."

Can you see the love in Joseph's face? He shows love and pride for this son of God in his family. And Mary gazes into Jesus' face lovingly and pensively. She has a lot to ponder, as the Angel told her, "of his kingdom there shall be no end." Simeon in the Temple told her, "and a sword will pierce your own soul, too." Could she know she would watch her son crucified on a cross? Could she know he would rise and conquer sin and death?

The light in the window represents Jesus as the light of the world. The hands are intertwined. The artist thought of the words radiant, softness, gentle and connection as she painted this work.

Bread and wine on the table shows God's providence of sustenance to them in Bethlehem but would take on a new meaning when Jesus broke bread and passed the cup in an upper room at his last supper. For us it represents communion with Jesus, the Church, and saints that have gone on before us.

Friends within First Broad Street United Methodist Church commissioned Johnson City artist Donna Bird to create this artwork and presented it to the church, to the glory of God at Christmas, 2020.

A video introduction to the painting and discussion with the artist, Donna Bird is available at

Prints may be available from the artist.

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